Channel: European Space Agency, ESA
Category: News & Politics
Tags: samantha cristoforetticosmic kissastronautsspace crew dragonrocketisshuman spaceflightdragonspacecrew 4missionminervaesaspace sciencematthias maurercrew 3astronauteuropean space agencyinternational space stationminervatechhandovercrew-3mission minervaspacexspace technologycosmostechnologyspace techcrew-4esanasauniversescience
Description: For the first time since mid 2011, ESA has two astronauts living and working together aboard the International Space Station. Watch a conversation between Samantha Cristoforetti and Matthias Maurer in this rare moment for Europe in space. The astronauts’ meeting marks a brief crossover between the start of Samantha’s second space mission, Minerva, and Matthias’s final days in orbit for his first mission, Cosmic Kiss. Samantha arrived with Crew-4 on 28 April in @SpaceX Crew Dragon Freedom, while Matthias will depart with Crew-3 in SpaceX Crew Dragon Endurance in May after almost six months on the Station. In this video Matthias is impressed by Samantha’s floating ability and says it’s like she never left. Samantha confirms weightless was the thing she missed the most on Earth and talks about the differences on Station since her Italian Space Agency ASI-sponsored Futura mission in 2014-15. Matthias is pleased with what he’s achieved in his time on Station, including the science he’s supported and the spacewalk he performed. He wishes Samantha all the best for her mission as she wishes him a safe return to Earth. Find out more about the Cosmic Kiss: Learn more about Mission Minerva: ★ Subscribe: and click twice on the bell button to receive our notifications. Check out our full video catalog: Follow us on Twitter: On Facebook: On Instagram: On LinkedIn: On Pinterest: On Flickr: We are Europe's gateway to space. Our mission is to shape the development of Europe's space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. Check out to get up to speed on everything space related. Copyright information about our videos is available here: #ESA #CoscmicKiss #MissionMinerva